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How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Online Marketing

A.I. is the future of advertising. From personalized content, to predicting strategies, the learning engine will help Marketers answer the new expectations of consumers....

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On March 30th, an international lockdown put a majority of our global economy on hold. The resulting measures have had a tremendous impact on the way we create, share and interact with advertising content.  If the pandemic transformed our Marketer’s habits, it also brought to our workflow what we...


IAB's 2023 report showcases the rise of Connected-TV as a productive advertising medium, and the tools associated to using it successfully. ...


Connected-Stories partners up with 4A’s launching a free to access initiative for 4A’s members agencies. Connected-Stories will make its platform and team available for free to help 4A’s agencies members restart after COVID-19 and enhance the quality of their proposals to clients while cutting on content production costs. This exclusive...


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DSPs Macros Integration for Personalization

Through the integration between Connected-Stories and Demand-Side Platforms, advertisers can leverage the highest levels of personalization, while streamlining management of dynamic contents....

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The main objective of our platform is to reach a level of dynamic personalization such as to significantly increase the effectiveness of the advertising video campaigns...

Connected-Stories, the platform for managing advertising creatives in smart-working

With working remotely being the new normal, facilitating creative setup and ads monitoring is essential...


Apple shed light on its policy on cross-site tracking prevention last week ...

Crédit Agricole

In May 2023 the French banking group Crédit Agricole promoted an interactive video campaign to make its loan services better known among its Italian clients. The interactive campaign was created by Havas Media in collaboration with Connected-Stories platform to help Crédit Agricole creating more engagement among its Italian users as...
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